Large suburban homes with asphalt shingles and green lawns in daytime

A List of The Paperwork You’ll Need To Sell Your House In Sarasota

The stack of paperwork you’ll encounter when selling your house in Sarasota is a big one. There are papers you’ll need before listing, documents for listing, documents when an offer is made, and documents for the closing. While it might seem like a lot, don’t fret! Handling one piece of paper at a time will … Continued

6 Reasons Why You Should Downsize Your House in Sarasota

You often hear of downsizing when the kids move out of the house and mom and dad find a smaller house with fewer rooms. Maybe you could benefit from downsizing? Here are 5 reasons why you should downsize your house in Sarasota. Pay Off Debts If you downsize your house in Sarasota, you could pay … Continued

5 Tips For Downsizing Your House In Sarasota

Moving is stressful for many people, but downsizing your house is a great way to save money and save it or invest it into something else. Here are 5 tips for downsizing your house in Sarasota.  Use a Tape Measure The first tip to downsizing your house is to make sure the furniture you want … Continued

5 Tips To Help You Sell Your House In Sarasota As-Is

Ready to sell your house in Sarasota? Before you spend money making repairs, taking the time to clean it, or signing a listing agreement binding you to an agent for an extended period of time, you may want to learn more about your other options. Find out how selling your house directly, as-is to a … Continued

5 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure In Sarasota

If foreclosure is looming over you like a black cloud on a sunny day, don’t ignore the rain. Open the letters your lender is sending you and see where you are at in the process. Make sure you find your mortgage documents and read them thoroughly to know what to expect when you don’t make … Continued

What Happens To Your Sarasota Property After A Divorce?

Divorces are difficult. About forty to fifty percent of marriages ended in divorce last year, and the rate is even higher for subsequent marriages. If you are going through a divorce right now, you are probably wondering what happens to your Sarasota property after the divorce. Who Keeps The Property? This is something you and … Continued

What To Do With Your Expired Listing In Sarasota

Are you dealing with an expired listing in Sarasota? We can help you with a fast, fair, and simple solution! Find out how easy the process can be! We’ll buy any house right away, making the selling process much easier than you’d think! For a homeowner who wants to sell a house in Sarasota, dealing … Continued

Which Is Better? A Foreclosure or Short Sale of Your Sarasota House?

We all have rough times every now and again. As a property owner, having a rough time may mean losing the biggest investment of your life: your Sarasota house. If you are unable to make your mortgage and insurance payments, you are about to be facing foreclosure with your lender if you miss a certain … Continued

6 Ways Hesitating To Sell Your Home in Sarasota Is Costing You

Do you need to sell your home in Sarasota? If the answer is yes, why wait? If you have been holding off, here are 6 ways that hesitating to sell your house are costing you! Owning the wrong home can be expensive. You may not realize just how much your unwanted Sarasota property is costing … Continued

5 Perks of Downsizing Your House In Sarasota

Downsizing your house in Sarasota comes with a lot of perks! Nowhere does it say that you have to hold onto your house forever. Check out some of these great benefits you can achieve by downsizing your house in Sarasota!  As the years go by, what we need in a house will likely change. It … Continued

What You Should Know About Dealing With Probate Real Estate in Sarasota

When dealing with a probate property in Sarasota, you may have many questions you would like to have answered. Below, we offer some information about probate properties as well as ways to handle them. What Is Probate? Probate is the legal process following a homeowner’s death if the property was not in a trust or … Continued

5 Things To Have In Place To Sell Your House This Week In Sarasota

Looking for a fast sale of your house in Sarasota? With these preparations in place, you will be able to sell your house this week and move somewhere new without any stress or hassle! Learn exactly how to do it in our latest post! When you own a burdensome property that needs repairs, renovations, or … Continued
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